Our Contributions – LINX Watch

Doing Our Part

Reusable & Recyclable Materials 

At LINX, we believe in a design and container that fits any environment. By utilizing high quality boxes made out of recycled materials, we are able to achieve a captivating visual while simultaneously ensuring the protection of our environment. 


In a continued effort to better our planet, we will donate up to 5% of our total annual revenue towards the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC)!

Since 1970, the NRDC has strived to protect the earth and all its natural systems and inhabitants by focusing on issues related to climate change, clean energy, ocean health, and many more important issues. To do this, they utilize the data and science of their experts to come up with transformative solutions that their partners, members, and other activists advocate for allowing new laws and policies that will protect the environment for years to come. For more information about environmental protection, please go to www.nrdc.org and find out how to get involved!

LINX Watch LLC is not affiliated in any manner with the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) or any of its programs, projects or websites.